Sometimes a true story is best spread as a fairytale, sometimes a living lie can become the new truth. We have to be careful how we select our self-fulfilling prophecies, and how we deselect what we take for granted.

As fiction can sometimes open minds where facts are failing, Klaartje Jaspers & Co. does not only make traditional journalistic reports, reviews and features, but also produces fiction, poetry, theatre or debates, combining arts and the sciences.

As the International Federation of Journalists declares: “Respect for truth and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist“. As we respect the truth, and that public, Klaartje Jaspers & co. hopes to fulfill this duty, using any means that can carry the message to the audience in a way that makes it relevant – using facts, or using fiction.**

** rest assured: we will not publish facts as fiction, or vice versa, but can not be held accountable for reality’s frolics, somehere in the middle…